
1、翻译为船舶不能每次都支持智者出院 附vessel 英#712vesl 美#712v#603s#601ln 容器 船,飞船 血管,管束 的化身例句He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless ste。

2、vessels 英#39ves#601lz 美#39ves#601lzn 容器 船 血管 vessel的名词复数 具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的 人例句He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless steel and silver。

3、Cups, basins, pots, bottles, casks, etc are vessels that hold liquids杯,盆,罐,瓶,桶等都是盛液体的容器血管,脉管 C例句A major vessel has been lacerated一条主血管已经破裂了例句He became。

4、例如下面这句,We#39ll have a reaction vessel that#39s sealed,我们有一个密封的反应容器,这里的vessel就是容器的意思,vessel还可以翻译为血管,例如,Blood comes from the blood vessels,血液来自血管里,这里的vessel就。

5、复数 vessels 例句The vessel is sailing from Hongkong to Shanghai这船从香港开航驶往上海3barque 读音英 bɑk 美 bɑrk释义n三桅帆船,轻舟 例句An improbable sort of barque, but。

6、修饰一that transport water and minerals upward from the roots ,从句,修饰conducting vessels 中文从根部向上运输水与矿物质 修饰二that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the。

7、Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain7血管可能会渗漏,造成视力模糊The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision 8这导致钙在血管中沉积This leads to calcium deposition in。

8、简称cv,全称naval vessels 舰艇被视为国家领土的一部分,只遵守本国的法律和公认的国际法直接执行战斗任务的叫战斗舰艇,执行辅助战斗任务的是辅助战斗舰艇舰艇主要用于海上机动作战,进行战略核突袭,保护己方或破坏。

9、一级结构 首先省略了主语二级结构复合谓语,Work together ,and make sure 加了逗号的原因是因为被前面很长的介词短语给间隔开了,避免歧义三级结构前半段,by communicating with other vessels 介词短语作状。

10、或者Empty vessels make the most noisesound直译空的容器瓶子发出的声音最大 意思一瓶子不满半瓶子晃荡指一些不懂装懂的人 例句David talks as if he#39s an expert on everything,but empty。

11、轮船的英文Ship Ship 读法 英 #643#618p 美 #643#618pvt 运送,乘船以船运送 vi 上船乘船旅行当船员 n 船舰太空船 短语ship hull 船体 jump ship 弃船潜逃非正式离船 sai。

12、Passenger Vessels 客轮 Cargo Vessels 载货船,货轮 Tankers 油轮 High Speed Craft 高速船 Yachts Others 游艇及其他 Navigation Aids 导航设备 Unspecified Ships 未指定的船舶 AnchoredMoored 锚泊 不知道对不对*^_。

13、Sometimes referred to as limit seiners, purse seiners are sleek, cabin forward vessels that are limited by Alaska law to 58 feet in order to more precisely manage their fishing effort They are recognized by their long。

14、These Rules 主语shall apply to谓语 all vessels宾语 upon the high seas定语,修饰vessels and in all waters 定语,修饰vesselsconnected过去分词作后置定语,修饰waters therewith navigable by。

15、violation作authorizations的后置定语,这其中on the high seas off the coast of Libya作vessels的后置定语说明vessels所处位置,而suspected of arms embargo violation同样是vessels的后置定语说明vessels的性质。

发布于 2024-01-02 19:01:26
