
The findings outlined on Wednesday document a shared genetic ancestry for the hundreds of millions of people who speak what the researchers call Transeurasian languages across an area stretching more than 5,000;ancestor和ancestry有区别,具体区别是释义不同,侧重点不同,读音不同一释义不同 1ancestor祖宗,祖先,动物的原种 示例The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt 译文。

祖先,读音为zǔ xiān英文ancestryancestorsforebearsforefathersforefatherprogenity 解释民族或家族较早的上代,还指演化成现代生物的古代生物古文出处唐元稹赠王承宗侍中诰“诗书礼乐,禀训於祖先;Ancestry Stanley Dunham#39s heritage consists of English, Irish and other European ancestors who settled in the American colonies during the 17th and 18th centuriesThe most recent native European ancestor was。

ancestry 1 家族血统,世系,家世门第 2 名门出身,贵族出身,高贵血统 3 总称祖先,祖宗,列祖列宗 4 观念物体现象等的起源形成发展过程历史 复数ancestries ancestor 1 祖先,祖宗 2;ancestor 祖先, 祖, 先人, 宗, 老祖宗, 祖辈 grandfather 祖父, 爷爷, 祖, 老大爷, 爷 forefather 祖先, 老祖宗, 祖宗, 祖, 先人, 祖辈。

ancestry 英#712#230nsestri 美#712#230n#716s#603strin 血统 lt集合词祖先 世家,名门 生 系谱例句Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren;Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage,either the chromosome inherited through men in a father#39s line or mitochondrial DNAmtDNA,which is passed down only from mothers词汇1ancestry 世系。

ancestors1NCOUNTYour ancestors are the people from whom you are descended祖先usu pl, with poss2NCOUNTAn ancestor of something modern is an earlier thing from which it developed 物种原型 ancestry;ancestry意思是祖先例句词组He was able to trace his ancestry back over 1000 years他可追祖溯宗至 1000 年以前英语解释the family or the race of people that you come from 统称祖宗,祖先列祖列宗。



祖先 词典 ancestors ancestor ancestry forefathers progenitor例句自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动生息繁衍在这块土地上From ancient times our forefathers have laboured, lived and multiplied on this land。


ancestry ancestor

1、但我们的先辈为之奋斗的那些革命信念,在世界各地仍然有着争论拓展先辈 predecesso 先辈过滤型 ancestry 先辈过滤器 ancestry 辈 contempora 晚辈 junior 前辈的 predecesso 我辈 前辈 senior 小辈 junior 平辈 same。

2、名门 ancestry 或blue blood blue blood 1 贵族出身,王族出身名门出身贵族或王族血统的人 2 贵族王族名门望族 3 高贵的品质,高贵的品行 名门 汉语意思有名望的门第如丁玲团聚“他又替她选。

3、ancestor 英 #712#230nsest#601r 美 #712#230n#716s#603st#602n 祖先,祖宗 被继承人 原型 动物的 原种,先祖。

4、ancestor祖宗,原型 ancestry强调血统世袭 progenitor 先驱,比如移民 forebear和forefather不常用 primogenitor始祖 你根据语境选吧。

发布于 2023-12-02 14:12:28
