
艄公 shāogōnghelmsman 操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人 羊皮筏子俗称排子,是一种古老的水运工具,用羊皮做成它由十几个气鼓鼓的山羊皮“浑脱” 组成筏子有大有小,最大的羊皮筏子由600多只羊皮袋扎成。

艄公shāogōnghelmsman 操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人 羊皮筏子俗称排子,是一种古老的水运工具,用羊皮做成它由十几个气鼓鼓的山羊皮“浑脱” 组成筏子有大有小,最大的羊皮筏子由600多只羊皮袋扎成,小皮筏系用10多个。

age of eleven years, and from then on he began an independent labor life, first in the printing plant as an apprentice, served as dispatchers and typists, and later on the Mississippi River as a sailor and helmsman。

艄公 shāogōnghelmsman 操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人。

退梢离岸6” 艄公 shāo gōng 释义艄公 shāogōnghelmsman 操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人7 鸭艄 yā shāo 释义一种小船8 船艄 chuán shāo 释义通常用指船尾。

waiter 5weitEn侍者, 服务员 waiter waiter AHDwsup3“trDJ6weit*KK6wet+n名词One who serves at a table, as in a restaurant侍者如在餐馆中在餐桌旁服务的人,A tray or。

steersman 但是如果是那种抽象含义的话,我觉得master, people in charge 或者 manager都有类似的含义。

跳上机船,退梢离岸”3艄公 shāo gōng 释义艄公 shāogōnghelmsman操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人4鸭艄 yā shāo 释义一种小船5船艄 chuán shāo 释义通常用指船尾。


Helmsman Yes, sir Port ten Now wheel port ten 舵工 遵命,左舵10度现在左舵10度 Pilot Dead slow ahead 引航员 微速前进 Third Mate Yes, sir Dead slow ahead Now engine dead slow ahead 三副 遵。

I am the captain of my own ,the great helmsman ,will be determined to conquer violent storm and huge surges reaching the sky so as to search the outstanding buried treasure all over the world。

Seven or eight dragon boats on the river are lined up with high heads, the bow is a drummer, the stern is a helmsman, and more than a dozen people in the middle hold oars, as if to give the Dragon Boat。


Life is the ocean, hope is the helmsman of the compass, make people not get lost in the storm 47这是一条友谊的规律一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走毫厄尔 This is a law of friendship once a suspec。

the ropes refused to hold Anyplace a rope touched him it just fell apart Dionysus watched calmly, smilingAfter some time the helmsman realized that only a god could be responsible He called out that the。

He wrote seven articles in the early years on the Mississippi River as the subject of the helmsman, and wrote a book, quotThe Past of the Mississippi Riverquot Eight years later, he returned to his hometown, expanding。

舵手,汉语词语,拼音是duò shǒu,意思是操舵驾驶船的人比喻把握方向的领导人朱德 贺董老六三大寿诗“且有操舟神舵手,能团大众去撑天”近义词水手,是指负责船舶甲板部工作的普通船员水手的主要工作是。

Youth is a bright, vocabulary, and we are in love, so brilliant under Young heart for many, who do not desire to become his helmsman, lead the life boat sailing into another as boundless as the sea。

Life is the ocean, hope is the helmsman of the compass, make people not get lost in the storm 48所谓未来,不过是往昔,所谓希望,不过是命运 In the future, but is the past, the socalled hope, but it was fa。

发布于 2024-01-28 23:01:30